Saturday, August 8, 2009


i've been thinking lately about how much i've changed in the past couple of years. as much as i hate high school, it's done good things by helping me sort out the bad and unnecessary from my life. it's helped me to gain an omnipotent view of things. often in the midst stressful situations i find myself having an out-of-body experience, seeing passed my personal bias toward an ethical solution.

but, i think i'm growing out of that. see, to me, life isn't about being ethical, logical, optimistic, narcissistic, pessimistic, or any kind of -istic. life is simply about living. crude as that sounds, nothing could be more true. to over-analyze things is to take the fun out of the unexpected. the very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure; more true words by christopher mccandless. he goes on to say "the joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun." i've read these words and repeated them to myself over and over but never really caught the true meaning, even though it seems explicit... living a calm, planned and secure lifestyle should be criminal.

do you know how lucky you are to be human? we are the only species that are aware of itself. the only animal to be able to create things that can create things. to be human is to have won the lottery a thousand times in a row, AND further yet, to be born and live in the strongest country in the world. what does this mean? well what can't it mean? you are in a position to do anything you want, not simply survive. to waste a lifetime devoting yourself to playing it safe and living year by year, quarter by quarter, set time period to set time period is just... criminal. you're robbing yourself of potential.

try it out. forget all of your engagements, close ties to people, relationships with material possessions. don't weigh yourself down. families are for people over thirty. don't settle for where you are when you haven't been anywhere else. live your life unplugged from society and the lead it wants to put in your pockets. live an acoustic lifestyle.

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